
  • 作者: 神婆星座网小编
  • 来源: 神婆星座网
  • 2024-09-20


择业如同择偶,它对双子座的人的事业,甚至对双子座的人一生的前途、命运,有举足轻重的作用。选择了一个合适的配偶,可以奠定一辈子幸福生活的坚实基础;选择了一个不合适的终生伴侣,会给双 子座的人带来无穷无尽的烦恼,不仅没有和睦温馨的家庭生活可言,而且,双子座的人的事业也将受到影响。





  双子座最适合的职业Top 10Journalist 新闻记者  Naturally nosy, Gemini will want to get to the bottom of any story or idea. This makes them perfect for the profession of journalist. They are wonderful writers, and can engage the reader with a compelling voice. No stone will be left unturned and facts will be checked thoroughly. Some will literally go to the ends of the Earth to get a story. As children they probably had ink all over their hands or sore wrists from typing at the computer.  Translator 翻译  Gemini is very proficient in languages, knowing at least two. They may have lived in foreign countries or at least have a fascination with them. These silver-tongued devils are very articulate and have a talent for the art of translation. They are able to glean the essence from one language into another with ease. They work rather quickly and think fast which is necessary for this career.  Talk Show Host 脱口秀主持  The natives of this sign love to talk, are lively and entertaining, and have a gift for the art of conversation. They are at home in many social situations and are never at a loss for words. This makes them naturals for the realm of broadcasting, and in particular radio and television talk shows. The only challenge will be to know when to pause and let their guests get a word in. Gemini is a naturally curious individual, who is constantly seeking to know and understand.  Public Relations 公共关系  Gemini is very agile at dodging bullets and creating spin. They can be manipulative and are talented at being the spokesperson. This makes a career in public relations perfect for them. If they have to organize a fundraising event or orchestrate a communications plan, they will multitask with flair and verve. Sometimes their heads spin completely out of control, but somehow they manage to pull it all together.  Novelist/Writer 小说家/作家  A Gemini novelist would have to work very much alone, but this is a great path to take. They get very caught up in the world of ideas and storytelling. It's better to craft a novel or a work of creative non-fiction than resort to making up stories to tell around the water cooler. At the office they would be considered a sociopath, but in the world of publishing, a brilliant writer. Gemini has an ear for conversation and gossip and will translate this into their work. Be careful what you reveal to a Gemini!  Marketing Specialist 市场专员  Whether tracking the buying habits of consumers or creating an ad campaign, this field is well suited to the big ideas of Gemini. They are fascinated by the behavior and habits of people, human nature, and statistics. If you want to know what colors will make you hungry and what scent will turn you into a hottie, ask a Gemini in this field. They are also very good at sales and presentations and the art of persuasion.  Copywriter 广告策划  Because Gemini understands the mind of the public so well, they can write copy that is very effective. Their agility with words is second to none. They are able to convey in a few well chosen-phrases, the essence of a product or an idea. Play on words is involved in this specialty area of advertising. Mercurial Gemini is able to pull concepts out of a hat and build a bull's-eye campaign. Most people would fear the blank page, but they consider it a challenge.  Tour Guide 导游  Gemini loves to ride at the front of the bus so they can talk to the bus driver, so this job is a natural extension. They love to talk with their hands so they can easily point to landmarks and interesting sights along the way. In their spare time they can compile all kinds of interesting facts to entertain their travelers. Some prefer water travel, and work in theme parks and on tour boats. For Gemini natives who prefer to stay in one spot, they can work in museums or historical sites as interpreters and guides. At any rate, they can indulge their gift of gab to baffle tourists.  Impressionist 印象派作家  The best impressionists are probably Gemini natives. They can take on the personality of just about anyone. Masters of a host of accents and a repertoire of faces, they are able to amaze and entertain their friends for hours. To get paid for making fun of famous people would be almost perfect. They do it all the time anyway, why not make a living at it. All those years in school of mimicking their teachers and sitting in detention would be worth it after all.  Teacher 老师  This is the quintessential job for Gemini. They get to talk all day, read papers, or mark tests all night and pass on knowledge to young, impressionable minds. They get to influence young children by making them learn all kinds of trivial facts. The kids will have to memorize poems that will stick with them for years, and they will have to find the hypotenuse of a circle (whatever that is!)。 Gemini takes a certain amusement from making shy students face the class, and boisterous ones sit quietly.

大家都在免费测试 八字算命,你要试试吗?



白羊男 / 白羊女


阳历1996年10月20日12点女八字命运怎么样? 阳历1996年10月16日0点男八字命运怎么样? 阳历2004年2月9日6点女八字命运怎么样? 阳历1967年2月14日6点女八字命运怎么样? 阳历2002年12月28日17点女八字命运怎么样? 阳历2000年1月1日0点女9782077八字命运怎么样? 阳历1993年5月27日4点男八字命运怎么样? 阳历2012年5月21日17点女八字命运怎么样? 阳历2002年1月19日12点女八字命运怎么样? 阳历1989年10月17日23点女八字命运怎么样? 阳历2024年9月26日17点男八字命运怎么样? 阳历1998年2月22日0点男八字命运怎么样? 阳历2000年1月1日0点女9155408八字命运怎么样? 阳历2024年3月1日0点男八字命运怎么样? 阳历1978年10月13日2点男八字命运怎么样? 阳历1993年12月23日3点男八字命运怎么样? 阳历1999年10月7日22点女八字命运怎么样? 阳历2000年5月26日6点男八字命运怎么样? 阳历1997年10月23日23点男八字命运怎么样? 阳历2003年9月13日0点女八字命运怎么样? 阳历2000年1月1日0点女八字命运怎么样? 阳历1988年9月7日0点女八字命运怎么样? 阳历2012年2月3日8点女八字命运怎么样? 阳历2023年2月10日0点男八字命运怎么样? 阳历2007年8月24日0点男八字命运怎么样? 阳历2000年4月24日0点女八字命运怎么样? 阴历1998年11月25日5点女八字命运怎么样? 阳历1995年8月10日17点女八字命运怎么样? 阳历2000年1月1日0点女9118339八字命运怎么样? 阳历2024年3月19日0点男八字命运怎么样? 阳历2023年11月22日0点男八字命运怎么样? 阳历2001年11月24日4点男八字命运怎么样? 阳历2000年1月1日0点男八字命运怎么样? 阳历2023年3月24日3点女八字命运怎么样? 阳历1994年3月29日20点女八字命运怎么样? 阳历1971年9月18日7点男八字命运怎么样? 阳历1980年10月2日14点男八字命运怎么样? 阴历2004年8月9日8点男八字命运怎么样? 阳历2023年4月29日0点男八字命运怎么样? 阳历2023年5月4日8点女八字命运怎么样? 阳历1981年1月29日9点女八字命运怎么样? 阳历1985年2月24日21点男八字命运怎么样? 阴历1950年11月20日22点女八字命运怎么样? 阳历1982年9月16日22点女八字命运怎么样? 阳历1980年1月11日2点女八字命运怎么样? 阳历2000年1月1日0点女八字命运怎么样? 阳历2007年7月13日21点男八字命运怎么样? 阳历1987年8月20日12点男八字命运怎么样? 阳历2023年6月13日0点男八字命运怎么样? 阳历2007年7月11日2点女八字命运怎么样?
