
  • 作者: 神婆星座网小编
  • 来源: 神婆星座网
  • 2024-10-18


Cancer Character Traits

The symbol for Cancer is the crab, which retires into its shell if threatened.

'I FEEL' is the motto for Cancer. You are emotional, sensitive and easily hurt. You need to be needed and are very caring. Children, plants and artistic projects all thrive under your protection.

Home and family are very important to you and you can remember things from your childhood as clearly as if they happened yesterday. There is a part of you that doesn't want to grow up and you make a ready playmate.

You are imaginative and empathetic and will mirror other people's feelings back to them. They trust you and will confide in you, although you yourself are a very private person and keep your own feelings to yourself.

Your sensitivity can make you touchy and you can also be very moody. Your reluctance to let go of the past can make you clingy.

You are the nurturers of the zodiac.

  Personality Traits
As the sign of the Crab, the psychological traits of Cancer arecharacterised by the image of a creature with a tough, hardened shellprotecting a soft and vulnerable centre. Cancer is ruled by the Moonand belongs to the element of water. Unlike most signs, which sharetheir planetary rulers, Cancer claims exclusive rights to the Moon,both sign and planetary ruler termed 'cold and moist' in nature.Understanding the essence of that phrase reveals a lot about thecomplex sensitivity that lies beneath the Cancerian's thick,crustaceous shell.

In ancient astrology the condition of 'moistness' was viewed as thecapacity to release emotions and connect with other beings. Moistureblurs the boundaries that define us as distinct individuals, allowingempathy, sympathy and a shared experience of personal or collectiveevents. The act of sharing emotions represents an important aspect offorming bonds and unions, so moisture is also a creative condition,which forms the basis of love, fertility and reproduction. When webecome too emotional the natural reaction is to release the 'excess ofwater' through the shedding of tears.

Hence, water as an element relates to the emotions and the world offeelings. It is a passive, absorbing element; receptive and keenlyperceptive. The energy of water is fluid, unshaped, lacking consistencyin definition and structure, but remarkable in its ability to seep intoinaccessible places and change its form - sometimes appearing asvaporous as steam, sometimes as cold and solid as ice. The use of theword coldwhen applied to this element could never imply that there isinsensitivity to feelings or detachment from emotions, but that theenergy is passive, not active. Water 'types' are not quickly stirred toheated debate or dynamic, self-assertive action. Their tendency is towait, reflect and absorb, responding to circumstances and remainingresponsive to the needs of others and the changing demands of life'sevents.

In the water signs of Scorpio and Pisces we see a differentexpression of this energy. Scorpio symbolises the stillness of themurky depths, areas so deep and dark that no movement occurs withoutthe disturbance of long-accumulated sediment. Pisces, associated withthe linear flow of the river, suggests a more immediate response tocollective movement, trends and ideals. Lacking the hardened shell ofthe other water types, Pisces signifies a sensitive energy, easilyimpressed upon by its immediate environment. But Cancer, taking itshabitation on the shore of the ocean, and governed by the Moon,responds to the cyclic and rhythmic rise and fall of life's ebb andflow. This sign is known for its moodiness, so Cancerians can be up oneday and down the next, responding to the joys and pains of the world ina pattern that can (superficially) seem to bear little relation to theimmediate events around them.

Since Cancer finds its strength in instinctive, emotionalresponses, Cancerians are known for their remarkable psychicsensitivity, absorption of memories and receptiveness to emotionalimpressions. This is widely accepted as one of the most psychic signsof the zodiac and there is usually a marked interest in the occult, avivid recollection of powerful dreams, and strong symbolicappreciation. But such an acute sensitivity to their physical andunconscious environment is a double-edged sword, and awareness ofcomplex psychological factors that underlie apparently simple acts makeit difficult for Cancerians to apply their will and foster their ownself-interests unfettered by feelings of guilt and torn sympathies.This hesitancy and vulnerability to emotional impacts on themselves andothers has given the sign a reputation for weakness, and a lack ofability to apply direct action to direct problems.

In addition, this sign is one that dislikes glares of publicity andis rarely comfortable at the centre of attention. Traditionaldescriptions of the sign depict it as 'dark' and nocturnal, lacking invibrancy. The astronomical foundation for this is that theconstellation Cancer is a particularly dark and dimly lit region of thesky. It has few distinguishable stars and is mainly notable for anebulous, cloud-like cluster which ancient astronomers regarded as anarea where energies were dissipated. The connection with the element ofwater and the rulership by the Moon reinforces the ancient foundationof this reputation. The water element relates to the phlegmatic humour,which seeks to retain its energies and inclines towards lethargy, whileassociation with the Moon adds to the sense of inconstancy andirrational or unreasonable behaviour - or behaviour that seems strangewhen evaluated solely by reason or the rational faculties.

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